Module pacai.util.mazeGenerator
Maze Generator
Algorithm: - Start with an empty grid. - Draw a wall with gaps, dividing the grid in 2. - Repeat recursively for each sub-grid.
Pacman Details: - Players 1 and 3 always start in the bottom left; 2 and 4 in the top right. - Food is placed in dead ends and then randomly (though not too close to the pacmen starting positions).
Notes: - The final map includes a symmetric, flipped copy. - The first wall has k gaps, the next wall has k / 2 gaps, etc. (min=1).
@author: Dan Gillick @author: Jie Tang
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Maze Generator
- Start with an empty grid.
- Draw a wall with gaps, dividing the grid in 2.
- Repeat recursively for each sub-grid.
Pacman Details:
- Players 1 and 3 always start in the bottom left; 2 and 4 in the top right.
- Food is placed in dead ends and then randomly
(though not too close to the pacmen starting positions).
- The final map includes a symmetric, flipped copy.
- The first wall has k gaps, the next wall has k / 2 gaps, etc. (min=1).
@author: Dan Gillick
@author: Jie Tang
import logging
import random
import sys
WALL = '%'
FOOD = '.'
EMPTY = ' '
class Maze(object):
def __init__(self, rows, cols, anchor=(0, 0), root=None):
Generate an empty maze.
Anchor is the top left corner of this grid's position in its parent grid.
self.r = rows
self.c = cols
self.grid = [[EMPTY for col in range(cols)] for row in range(rows)]
self.anchor = anchor
self.rooms = []
self.root = root
if not self.root:
self.root = self
def to_map(self):
Add a flipped symmetric copy on the right.
Add a border.
# Add a flipped symmetric copy
for row in range(self.r):
for col in range(self.c - 1, -1, -1):
self.grid[self.r - row - 1].append(self.grid[row][col])
self.c *= 2
# Add a border
for row in range(self.r):
self.grid[row] = [WALL] + self.grid[row] + [WALL]
self.c += 2
self.grid.insert(0, [WALL for c in range(self.c)])
self.grid.append([WALL for c in range(self.c)])
self.r += 2
def __str__(self):
s = ''
for row in range(self.r):
for col in range(self.c):
s += self.grid[row][col]
s += '\n'
return s[:-1]
def add_wall(self, rng, i, gaps=1, vert=True):
Add a wall with gaps.
add_r, add_c = self.anchor
if vert:
gaps = min(self.r, gaps)
slots = [add_r + x for x in range(self.r)]
if 0 not in slots:
if self.root.grid[min(slots) - 1][add_c + i] == EMPTY:
if len(slots) <= gaps:
return 0
if (self.root.c - 1) not in slots:
if self.root.grid[max(slots) + 1][add_c + i] == EMPTY:
if len(slots) <= gaps:
return 0
for row in slots[int(round(gaps)):]:
self.root.grid[row][add_c + i] = WALL
self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r, i, (add_r, add_c), self.root))
self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r, self.c - i - 1, (add_r, add_c + i + 1), self.root))
gaps = min(self.c, gaps)
slots = [add_c + x for x in range(self.c)]
if 0 not in slots:
if self.root.grid[add_r + i][min(slots) - 1] == EMPTY:
if len(slots) <= gaps:
return 0
if (self.root.r - 1) not in slots:
if self.root.grid[add_r + i][max(slots) + 1] == EMPTY:
if len(slots) <= gaps:
return 0
for col in slots[int(round(gaps)):]:
self.root.grid[add_r + i][col] = WALL
self.rooms.append(Maze(i, self.c, (add_r, add_c), self.root))
self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r - i - 1, self.c, (add_r + i + 1, add_c), self.root))
return 1
def make_with_prison(rng, room, depth, gaps=1, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=0.5):
Build a maze with 0,1,2 layers of prison (randomly).
p = rng.randint(0, 2)
proll = rng.random()
if proll < 0.5:
p = 1
elif proll < 0.7:
p = 0
elif proll < 0.9:
p = 2
p = 3
add_r, add_c = room.anchor
for j in range(p):
cur_col = 2 * (j + 1) - 1
for row in range(room.r):
room.root.grid[row][cur_col] = WALL
if j % 2 == 0:
room.root.grid[0][cur_col] = EMPTY
room.root.grid[room.r - 1][cur_col] = EMPTY
room.rooms.append(Maze(room.r, room.c - (2 * p), (add_r, add_c + (2 * p)), room.root))
for sub_room in room.rooms:
make(rng, sub_room, depth + 1, gaps, vert, min_width, gapfactor)
return 2 * p
def make(rng, room, depth, gaps=1, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=0.5):
Recursively build a maze.
# Extreme base case
if room.r <= min_width and room.c <= min_width:
# Decide between vertical and horizontal wall
if vert:
num = room.c
num = room.r
if num < min_width + 2:
vert = not vert
if vert:
num = room.c
num = room.r
# Add a wall to the current room
if depth == 0:
wall_slots = [num - 2] # Fix the first wall
wall_slots = range(1, num - 1)
if len(wall_slots) == 0:
choice = rng.choice(wall_slots)
if not room.add_wall(rng, choice, gaps, vert):
# Recursively add walls
for sub_room in room.rooms:
make(rng, sub_room, depth + 1, max(1, gaps * gapfactor), not vert, min_width, gapfactor)
def copy_grid(grid):
new_grid = []
for row in range(len(grid)):
for col in range(len(grid[row])):
return new_grid
def add_pacman_stuff(rng, maze, max_food=60, max_capsules=4, toskip=0):
Add pacmen starting position.
Add food at dead ends plus some extra.
# Parameters
max_depth = 2
# Add food at dead ends
depth = 0
total_food = 0
while True:
new_grid = copy_grid(maze.grid)
depth += 1
num_added = 0
for row in range(1, maze.r - 1):
for col in range(1 + toskip, int(maze.c / 2) - 1):
if (row > maze.r - 6) and (col < 6):
if maze.grid[row][col] != EMPTY:
neighbors = 0
neighbors += (maze.grid[row - 1][col] == EMPTY)
neighbors += (maze.grid[row][col - 1] == EMPTY)
neighbors += (maze.grid[row + 1][col] == EMPTY)
neighbors += (maze.grid[row][col + 1] == EMPTY)
if neighbors == 1:
new_grid[row][col] = FOOD
new_grid[maze.r - row - 1][maze.c - col - 1] = FOOD
num_added += 2
total_food += 2
maze.grid = new_grid
if num_added == 0:
if depth >= max_depth:
# Starting pacmen positions
maze.grid[maze.r - 2][1] = '3'
maze.grid[maze.r - 3][1] = '1'
maze.grid[1][maze.c - 2] = '4'
maze.grid[2][maze.c - 2] = '2'
# Add capsules
total_capsules = 0
while (total_capsules < max_capsules):
row = rng.randint(1, maze.r - 1)
col = rng.randint(1 + toskip, int(maze.c / 2) - 2)
if (row > maze.r - 6) and (col < 6):
if (abs(col - int(maze.c / 2)) < 3):
if maze.grid[row][col] == EMPTY:
maze.grid[row][col] = CAPSULE
maze.grid[maze.r - row - 1][maze.c - col - 1] = CAPSULE
total_capsules += 2
# Extra random food
while (total_food < max_food):
row = rng.randint(1, maze.r - 1)
col = rng.randint(1 + toskip, int(maze.c / 2) - 1)
if (row > maze.r - 6) and (col < 6):
if (abs(col - int(maze.c / 2)) < 3):
if maze.grid[row][col] == EMPTY:
maze.grid[row][col] = FOOD
maze.grid[maze.r - row - 1][maze.c - col - 1] = FOOD
total_food += 2
def generateMaze(seed = None):
rng = random.Random()
if seed is None:
seed = rng.randint(1, MAX_DIFFERENT_MAZES)
logging.debug('Seed value for Maze Generation: ' + str(seed))
maze = Maze(16, 16)
gapfactor = min(0.65, rng.gauss(0.5, 0.1))
skip = make_with_prison(rng, maze, depth=0, gaps=3, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=gapfactor)
add_pacman_stuff(rng, maze, 2 * (maze.r * int(maze.c / 20)), 4, skip)
return str(maze)
if __name__ == '__main__':
seed = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
seed = int(sys.argv[1])
def add_pacman_stuff(rng, maze, max_food=60, max_capsules=4, toskip=0)
Add pacmen starting position. Add food at dead ends plus some extra.
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def add_pacman_stuff(rng, maze, max_food=60, max_capsules=4, toskip=0): """ Add pacmen starting position. Add food at dead ends plus some extra. """ # Parameters max_depth = 2 # Add food at dead ends depth = 0 total_food = 0 while True: new_grid = copy_grid(maze.grid) depth += 1 num_added = 0 for row in range(1, maze.r - 1): for col in range(1 + toskip, int(maze.c / 2) - 1): if (row > maze.r - 6) and (col < 6): continue if maze.grid[row][col] != EMPTY: continue neighbors = 0 neighbors += (maze.grid[row - 1][col] == EMPTY) neighbors += (maze.grid[row][col - 1] == EMPTY) neighbors += (maze.grid[row + 1][col] == EMPTY) neighbors += (maze.grid[row][col + 1] == EMPTY) if neighbors == 1: new_grid[row][col] = FOOD new_grid[maze.r - row - 1][maze.c - col - 1] = FOOD num_added += 2 total_food += 2 maze.grid = new_grid if num_added == 0: break if depth >= max_depth: break # Starting pacmen positions maze.grid[maze.r - 2][1] = '3' maze.grid[maze.r - 3][1] = '1' maze.grid[1][maze.c - 2] = '4' maze.grid[2][maze.c - 2] = '2' # Add capsules total_capsules = 0 while (total_capsules < max_capsules): row = rng.randint(1, maze.r - 1) col = rng.randint(1 + toskip, int(maze.c / 2) - 2) if (row > maze.r - 6) and (col < 6): continue if (abs(col - int(maze.c / 2)) < 3): continue if maze.grid[row][col] == EMPTY: maze.grid[row][col] = CAPSULE maze.grid[maze.r - row - 1][maze.c - col - 1] = CAPSULE total_capsules += 2 # Extra random food while (total_food < max_food): row = rng.randint(1, maze.r - 1) col = rng.randint(1 + toskip, int(maze.c / 2) - 1) if (row > maze.r - 6) and (col < 6): continue if (abs(col - int(maze.c / 2)) < 3): continue if maze.grid[row][col] == EMPTY: maze.grid[row][col] = FOOD maze.grid[maze.r - row - 1][maze.c - col - 1] = FOOD total_food += 2
def copy_grid(grid)
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def copy_grid(grid): new_grid = [] for row in range(len(grid)): new_grid.append([]) for col in range(len(grid[row])): new_grid[row].append(grid[row][col]) return new_grid
def generateMaze(seed=None)
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def generateMaze(seed = None): rng = random.Random() if seed is None: seed = rng.randint(1, MAX_DIFFERENT_MAZES) logging.debug('Seed value for Maze Generation: ' + str(seed)) rng.seed(seed) maze = Maze(16, 16) gapfactor = min(0.65, rng.gauss(0.5, 0.1)) skip = make_with_prison(rng, maze, depth=0, gaps=3, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=gapfactor) maze.to_map() add_pacman_stuff(rng, maze, 2 * (maze.r * int(maze.c / 20)), 4, skip) return str(maze)
def make(rng, room, depth, gaps=1, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=0.5)
Recursively build a maze.
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def make(rng, room, depth, gaps=1, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=0.5): """ Recursively build a maze. """ # Extreme base case if room.r <= min_width and room.c <= min_width: return # Decide between vertical and horizontal wall if vert: num = room.c else: num = room.r if num < min_width + 2: vert = not vert if vert: num = room.c else: num = room.r # Add a wall to the current room if depth == 0: wall_slots = [num - 2] # Fix the first wall else: wall_slots = range(1, num - 1) if len(wall_slots) == 0: return choice = rng.choice(wall_slots) if not room.add_wall(rng, choice, gaps, vert): return # Recursively add walls for sub_room in room.rooms: make(rng, sub_room, depth + 1, max(1, gaps * gapfactor), not vert, min_width, gapfactor)
def make_with_prison(rng, room, depth, gaps=1, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=0.5)
Build a maze with 0,1,2 layers of prison (randomly).
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def make_with_prison(rng, room, depth, gaps=1, vert=True, min_width=1, gapfactor=0.5): """ Build a maze with 0,1,2 layers of prison (randomly). """ p = rng.randint(0, 2) proll = rng.random() if proll < 0.5: p = 1 elif proll < 0.7: p = 0 elif proll < 0.9: p = 2 else: p = 3 add_r, add_c = room.anchor for j in range(p): cur_col = 2 * (j + 1) - 1 for row in range(room.r): room.root.grid[row][cur_col] = WALL if j % 2 == 0: room.root.grid[0][cur_col] = EMPTY else: room.root.grid[room.r - 1][cur_col] = EMPTY room.rooms.append(Maze(room.r, room.c - (2 * p), (add_r, add_c + (2 * p)), room.root)) for sub_room in room.rooms: make(rng, sub_room, depth + 1, gaps, vert, min_width, gapfactor) return 2 * p
class Maze (rows, cols, anchor=(0, 0), root=None)
Generate an empty maze. Anchor is the top left corner of this grid's position in its parent grid.
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class Maze(object): def __init__(self, rows, cols, anchor=(0, 0), root=None): """ Generate an empty maze. Anchor is the top left corner of this grid's position in its parent grid. """ self.r = rows self.c = cols self.grid = [[EMPTY for col in range(cols)] for row in range(rows)] self.anchor = anchor self.rooms = [] self.root = root if not self.root: self.root = self def to_map(self): """ Add a flipped symmetric copy on the right. Add a border. """ # Add a flipped symmetric copy for row in range(self.r): for col in range(self.c - 1, -1, -1): self.grid[self.r - row - 1].append(self.grid[row][col]) self.c *= 2 # Add a border for row in range(self.r): self.grid[row] = [WALL] + self.grid[row] + [WALL] self.c += 2 self.grid.insert(0, [WALL for c in range(self.c)]) self.grid.append([WALL for c in range(self.c)]) self.r += 2 def __str__(self): s = '' for row in range(self.r): for col in range(self.c): s += self.grid[row][col] s += '\n' return s[:-1] def add_wall(self, rng, i, gaps=1, vert=True): """ Add a wall with gaps. """ add_r, add_c = self.anchor if vert: gaps = min(self.r, gaps) slots = [add_r + x for x in range(self.r)] if 0 not in slots: if self.root.grid[min(slots) - 1][add_c + i] == EMPTY: slots.remove(min(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 if (self.root.c - 1) not in slots: if self.root.grid[max(slots) + 1][add_c + i] == EMPTY: slots.remove(max(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 rng.shuffle(slots) for row in slots[int(round(gaps)):]: self.root.grid[row][add_c + i] = WALL self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r, i, (add_r, add_c), self.root)) self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r, self.c - i - 1, (add_r, add_c + i + 1), self.root)) else: gaps = min(self.c, gaps) slots = [add_c + x for x in range(self.c)] if 0 not in slots: if self.root.grid[add_r + i][min(slots) - 1] == EMPTY: slots.remove(min(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 if (self.root.r - 1) not in slots: if self.root.grid[add_r + i][max(slots) + 1] == EMPTY: slots.remove(max(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 rng.shuffle(slots) for col in slots[int(round(gaps)):]: self.root.grid[add_r + i][col] = WALL self.rooms.append(Maze(i, self.c, (add_r, add_c), self.root)) self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r - i - 1, self.c, (add_r + i + 1, add_c), self.root)) return 1
def add_wall(self, rng, i, gaps=1, vert=True)
Add a wall with gaps.
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def add_wall(self, rng, i, gaps=1, vert=True): """ Add a wall with gaps. """ add_r, add_c = self.anchor if vert: gaps = min(self.r, gaps) slots = [add_r + x for x in range(self.r)] if 0 not in slots: if self.root.grid[min(slots) - 1][add_c + i] == EMPTY: slots.remove(min(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 if (self.root.c - 1) not in slots: if self.root.grid[max(slots) + 1][add_c + i] == EMPTY: slots.remove(max(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 rng.shuffle(slots) for row in slots[int(round(gaps)):]: self.root.grid[row][add_c + i] = WALL self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r, i, (add_r, add_c), self.root)) self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r, self.c - i - 1, (add_r, add_c + i + 1), self.root)) else: gaps = min(self.c, gaps) slots = [add_c + x for x in range(self.c)] if 0 not in slots: if self.root.grid[add_r + i][min(slots) - 1] == EMPTY: slots.remove(min(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 if (self.root.r - 1) not in slots: if self.root.grid[add_r + i][max(slots) + 1] == EMPTY: slots.remove(max(slots)) if len(slots) <= gaps: return 0 rng.shuffle(slots) for col in slots[int(round(gaps)):]: self.root.grid[add_r + i][col] = WALL self.rooms.append(Maze(i, self.c, (add_r, add_c), self.root)) self.rooms.append(Maze(self.r - i - 1, self.c, (add_r + i + 1, add_c), self.root)) return 1
def to_map(self)
Add a flipped symmetric copy on the right. Add a border.
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def to_map(self): """ Add a flipped symmetric copy on the right. Add a border. """ # Add a flipped symmetric copy for row in range(self.r): for col in range(self.c - 1, -1, -1): self.grid[self.r - row - 1].append(self.grid[row][col]) self.c *= 2 # Add a border for row in range(self.r): self.grid[row] = [WALL] + self.grid[row] + [WALL] self.c += 2 self.grid.insert(0, [WALL for c in range(self.c)]) self.grid.append([WALL for c in range(self.c)]) self.r += 2